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Professional Development Suggestions

Here are some suggestions of low cost or free PD that I have personally used or has been highly recommended by members of the Australian Massage Therapists Community on Facebook.

Massage Training Australia has no affiliation with any of these providers.

A great Podcast presented by Jackie and David.  They share their knowledge and expertise and discuss all the things you were never taught in massage school.

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Stuart established an online education website in the year 2000 called which has a large range of online professional development resources to support and extend the skills of remedial massage therapists.

He has an extensive video catalogue of tools, techniques and treatment sequences on his YouTube channel

Musculoskeletal Australia (or MSK) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal conditions.



"I have a client who..."

100's of Pathology discussions that looks at different conditions out clients may present with and critical thinking processes involved in determining the safest treatment regime.

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14 modules that are fantastic for anyone working in the aged care space, especially for therapists treating Home Care Package Clients

Understanding Dementia is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about the latest in dementia research and care. This free course provides an opportunity to engage with the perspectives of an international community, without requiring exams or assignments.

Preventing Dementia is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about the latest research in dementia risk and protective factors.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about TBI covering the spectrum from mild concussion through to severe injury.


The Thinking Practitioner podcast brings together Whitney Lowe and Til Luchau, two leading educators in massage and manual therapy.

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Massage Therapy Foundation’s Research Perch podcast is designed to help massage therapists put research into practice. Each episode discusses a specific article, modality, or research subject and unpacks it so you know how it applies to you.

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Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine information for those working in physiotherapy, sports therapy, sports rehabilitation, medicine and all divisions of the healthcare industry.

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Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.


The podcast explores the issues and challenges unique to the massage and bodywork community.


Free online training modules covering:

Health Records Act 2024

Successful Compliant Handling

The General Code of Conduct


At the completion of each unit you receive a Certificate of Attendance for PD points.

Provides access to free resources, research and podcasts

How can you tell if the bold headlines seen on social media are truly touting the next big thing or if the article isn't worth the paper it's printed on?


Understanding Medical Studies, will provide you with the tools and skills you need to critically interpret medical studies, and determine for yourself the difference between good and bad science.

Presented by the Menzies Insititute for Medical Research.


Understanding MS is a free online course that aims to improve understanding and awareness of MS worldwide and empower people to create a contribute to personalised MS management plans.


Heaps of free resources including a fantastic Youtube channel with loads of free educational video content


Also links to an extensive back catalogue of podcasts with industry experts.



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Currently being developed by the University of Tasmania.


Click on the link above to register for and email when it is released.

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