MaMA, MAA, AMT, MA, ATMS, ANTA....are they all the "People's Front of Judea in disguise?"(Click here if you need to recap this epic comedy moment!)

One of the most common questions posed online is “which is the best association to join.” Let me share some of my learnings on the subject with you.
There are quite a few Associations in Australia for massage therapists, and each one has its pros and cons. It’s important you make your decision based on your needs and your business model.
Have you seen the skit in Monty Python's "Life of Brian" discussing the difference between the Peoples Front of Judea and the Judean Peoples Front? That's a bit like the situation with the major Massage Associations in Australia. The major players are:
Massage and Myotherapy Australia (formerly AAMT)
MA - Myotherapy Association of Australia (formerly IRMA)
MAA - Massage Association Australia
ANTA - Australian Natural Therapies Association
ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
AMT - Association of Massage Therapist
The one thing all of these associations have in common is that they all facilitate the issuing of provider numbers for Health Funds. If you are not a member of a recognized association you will NOT be able to get provider numbers.
Apart from that, all the associations are slightly different and offer different services and levels of support to their members.
A really important thing to look at before you join is what is covered in the scope of practice for each association. This is usually found in their code of ethics document or an approved modalities statement.
An example of somethings to consider:
If you choose to join Massage and Myotherapy Australia, and use their approved insurance provider, you will also be covered to practice things like Reiki under the standard insurance.
By comparison, if you join the AMT, Lomi Lomi is considered as outside of the scope of massage therapy should not be included in a massage treatment. Same goes for Fertility Massage. AMT have a very firm stance on this (click here) and if you want to offer Fertility Massage or lomi lomi (and be insured), then AMT is not the Association for you!)
If you have multiple qualifications under your belt (eg Diploma of Remedial Massage and Diploma of Naturopathy), you may do better going with an Association that has a broader focus on other Natural Therapy modalities - ANTA or ATMS.
If you just practice Relaxation and Remedial Massage, go for one of the more specialised Associations like Massage and Myotherapy Australia or MAA.
These differences are not a bad thing. It means that all Associations are not the same and it gives you, as the therapist, a choice.
Just because the Association you join has a preferred Insurer, does not mean that you have to have a policy with them. These are just easy to use because they are negotiated to meet the needs of the majority of the members.
If you do use the preferred insurer, make sure you are very clear as to what is covered in your policy. Do not fall into the trap of believing just because you have ticked a modality on the paperwork that you are covered for it.
A reputable Association will be transparent of what they require for you to be "qualified" to offer a modality. eg Massage and Myotherapy Australia state that if you offer aromatherapy massage (click here) then your training must be equal to the Nationally Accredited Units of Competency for this subject. A MLM in house training is NOT sufficient for insurance purposes.
Same goes for Dry Needling. On the AMT website (click here) they have very clear explanation about the type of training you require. If you did a 1-day Dry Needling course that just does not cut it!
Also, some insurers will allow you to add extra modalities and businesses to the one policy (like personal training). Don't just assume that the Association Insurer is the best option for you.
CPE points
Each Association has different requirements for the number of ongoing points that you are required to maintain to keep membership. If you are geographically isolated, maybe look at an Association that is willing to recognise online learning. If you a city based, maybe an Association that has a lot of face-to-face courses on offer. However, you plan to get your ongoing education, look for an Association that will support that. Also don't be scared by the number of points required. Less does NOT = better or easier! All Associations require some points, and they are easy to get, so long as you do not leave it until the last moment.
Since COVID, some of the Associations now have a fantastic library of free or low cost online learning for their members. Take advantage of these in your clinic downtime!
Side Note: Be aware that some Associations require course providers to pay fees in order to have their course publicly recognised by the Association. The courses may not necessarily be the best on offer, but the providers have paid $$ to be recognised and listed on the Association website. Most course, if they are delivered at an appropriate level (eg Diploma prerequisite to enrol, or they are business related have have clear learning outcomes, will be recognised by all Associations, so long as the member submits the appropriate evidence. Strategic direction
Take a moment to look at where each Association is heading in the near future by looking at the Strategic Direction or current focus. If you check their website and they don't have a current strategy, or the one they have is outdated, that is a red flag in itself!
Go with the Association that is heading in the same direction as you.
The most important consideration for me came down to communication with my Association. I suggest if you are considering joining an Association, you either give them a call or send an email. How do they treat you on the phone? Do they have time to answer your questions? If you send an email, how quickly do they reply? One day? Two days? What are your expectations, and did they meet them during the first interaction?
Where to now?
Being a member of an Association is like any relationship. The Board and the staff are not mind readers. If they aren't doing something, ask why (and, God forbid, maybe offer to help rectify the problem). It is a two-way street but if you've lost the love, then don't be afraid to look around and to move. Most Associations have a transition plan to move (and you should not lose your provider status!) They are there to support your role as a Massage Therapist. If they aren't doing that then they aren't the Association for you. Communicate with them. Tell them what you want from them and if they are not going in the same direction as you, then it might be time to part ways.
If you do have an older qualification do NOT allow your membership to lapse. Once you come off the Health Fund lists with the old qualifications, it's highly likely you will not get back on them without redoing the Diploma. If you are changing, make sure you do it about 8 weeks before your current membership expires. This will allow a smooth transition and not compromise your client's ability to claim Health Fund Rebates.
Final word:
IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapies) comes up regularly in discussions. I see very little, if any, benefit in paying their membership fees. They promote that they recognise 1,100+ modalities - really - how much support are they going to provide? IICT declare in the small print that they are not government regulated and as such, they are not recognised by health funds for provider status. Yes, you can get a slight insurances discount, but it would just be cheaper to source insurance yourself. I just don't see the point of paying good money to use a logo to give yourself "credibility". If you want to join and Association, go for one that is recognised and will add value to your practice.